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Ministry of Foreign Affairs REPUBLIC OF KOREA

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Tonga flag

Tonga The Kingdom of Tonga

  • ​Overview

      • Establishment of Diplomatic Relations : September 11, 1970
      • Bilateral Trade(2021) : $1.94 million
        • Exports : $24 thousand
        • Imports : $1.7 million
      • The ROK's Investment in Tonga (cumulative amount at the end of 2019) : $2.5 million
      • People-to-People Exchanges :
        • Number of Tonga visitors to the ROk : 19 (2020)
      • The ROK's ODA in Tonga (cumulative amount at the end of 2019) : $4.25million
      • High-level Exchanges
        • From Tonga to the ROK
          • 2011   May Prime Minister Lord Tu'ivakano
          • 2012   August Minister of Tourism and Economy and Industry Uasike
          • 2014   November Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs Vainga Tone
          • 2016   October Crown Prince Tupoutoa Ulukalala
          • 2017   December Chief Secretary Palentina Tiueti