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Ministry of Foreign Affairs REPUBLIC OF KOREA

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Bhutan flag

Bhutan The Kingdom of Bhutan

  • ​Overview

      • Establishment of Diplomatic Relations : September 1987
      • Bilateral Trade (2021) : $12.7million
        • Exports : $11 million
        • Imports : $1.68 million
      • The ROK's Grant Aid to Bhutan : Total of $9.93 million (1991-2018)
        • Industrial Trainees, Dispatch of Experts, Material Assistance
      • High-level Exchanges
        • From Bhutan to the ROK
          • 2010   May Foreign Vice Minister Daw Penjo
          • 2010   October Ambassador to Korea Bap Kesang
          • 2014   January Information and Communication Minister Lyonpo Dungyel
          • 2014   August Agriculture Vice Minister Tenzin Dhendup
          • 2014   September Prince Jigyel Ugyen
          • 2014   October Culture Minister Damcho Dorji
          • 2015   September Princess Chimi Yangzom Wangchuck
          • 2015   October Minister of Labor and Human Resources Ngeema Sangay Tshempo
          • 2016   September Ministry of Agriculture and Forest Constituency Yeshey Dorji
          • 2016   October Minister of Health Tandin Wangchuk
          • 2017   January Minister of Education Norbu Wangchuck
          • 2017   January Minister of Economic Affairs Lekey Dorji
          • 2019   May Cabinet Secretary Kesang Wangdi
        • From the ROK to Bhutan
          • 2010   April Deputy Minister for Political Affairs Lee Yong-joon
          • 2011   May Special Envoy of the President Shin Jae-hyun
          • 2015   May Congressman Park Byeong-seok
          • 2016   July Former Chairperson of New Politics Alliance for Democracy(NPAD) Moon Jae-in
          • 2017   November Congressman Yun Hyo-jung